Tuesday, 14 October 2008


This suite of recent work comprises fifteen digital photographs each limited to an edition of 10 prints.
The images were extracted from various pornographic sites on the internet.
The participants are rendered anonymous and the variety of acts in which they are engaging are obscured through means of close cropping and techniques of blurring and screening. Only the titles which are derived from the current sexual vernacular hint at the nature of the roleplay: daisychain, black velvet, necklace..etc.
It is the erotic potential of pornography which interests me; that which elicits the colours of sex, where surfaces glisten and forms assume a sensual hue.
The viewer/voyeur is separated from the activity by the overlayering of contra-tinted hypertext -the means through which the imagery is relayed from source to recipient. This screen device perfectly encapsulates the nature of even the most seductive and /or explicit imagery, which at once encourages,but then ultimately,thwarts sexual desire

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